
public protocol LineIntersectablePlaneType : PlaneType

Represents a plane type that has support for line-intersection.

  • Returns the normalized magnitude for a line’s intersection point on this plane.

    Result is nil if intersection is not within the line’s limits, the line is parallel to this plane, or this plane is a finite plane and the line does not cross its bounded area.

    Default Implementation



    func unclampedNormalMagnitudeForIntersection<Line: LineFloatingPoint>(with line: Line)
        -> Vector.Scalar? where Line.Vector == Vector
  • intersection(with:) Default implementation

    Returns the result of a line intersection on this plane.

    Result is nil if intersection is not within the line’s limits, the line is parallel to this plane, or this plane is a finite plane and the line does not cross its bounded area.

    Default Implementation



    func intersection<Line: LineFloatingPoint>(with line: Line)
        -> Vector? where Line.Vector == Vector